Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hi Low game Mark I

I just finished my first go at creating a card game for the Windows 7 Phone. I chose to do Hi Low because it had the easiest rules to remember aka easiest game play to program. The coolest bit of this app is that I didn't use images for the cards, instead I embedded a custom true-type font into the app. It works well but has some formating issues. I didn't realize how hard it is to play Hi Low... The Best I have scored is 12 cards so far.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Automated Install via Batch file

Below I have designed batch files for installing and uninstalling builds, the important features are the ability to run this unattended and the ability to log any issues that happen during the install.

Install.bat is a simple batch file to do a quite (/qb) install (/i) asynchronously logging all information with verbose output (/L*v). The log file will be the same name as the installer with the (Install.log) extention
IF EXIST %1 msiexec.exe /i %1 /qb /L*v %1.Install.log

InstallAll.bat calls Install.bat for each MSIin the build, To make th calls synchronously (START /B /WAIT) it's import to make these calls synchronously if your installing multiple MSI's because msiexec.exe will block all subsequent calls while the first install is running.
START /B /WAIT Install.bat MyProgramOneSetup.msi
START /B /WAIT Install.bat MyProgramTwoSetup.msi
START /B /WAIT Install.bat MyProgramThreeSetup.msi

UnInstall.bat is a simple batch file to do a quite (/qb) uninstall (/X) asynchronously logging all information with verbose output (/L*v). The log file will be the same name as the installer with the (UnInstall.log) extention
IF EXIST %1 msiexec.exe /X %1 /qb /L*v %1.UnInstall.log

UnInstallAll.bat calls UnInstall.bat for each MSIin the build, its good to have a way to uninstall if you don't have the option to use a virtualization platform with a snapshotting capabilities.
START /B /WAIT UnInstall.bat MyProgramOneSetup.msi
START /B /WAIT UnInstall.bat MyProgramTwoSetup.msi
START /B /WAIT UnInstall.bat MyProgramThreeSetup.msi

WiX: A Developer's Guide to Windows Installer XML

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Win 7 Phone development

Here are some screenshots from my first Windows 7 Phone application, I created it as part of "WP7 Developer Contest" Hands on lab presented by Daniel Egan at the Silicon Valley Code Camp. It was a fun time 

First screenshot is of the search page, this page is pretty simple it's hooked into the API. The web service is called when the search button is clicked.

Second screen shot is the results I got back from the service, nothing special here just cool to see. Daniel provided the Uncorked graphic as part of the talk. At the bottom in red are the navigation buttons, the ellipsis button brings up the text for the buttons. 

I think WP7 development is easier that Win form's, This app has really got me interested in in doing WP7 development. The sample was quick and easy, I cant wait to make a real app and load it on my own Windows 7 Phone.